Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wanderings of my name-obsessed mind

This blog is going to be a bit different from my usual blogs, so let me know what you think. I'm just going to talk about what names I've been liking more or less recently and the changes I've made to my lists and stuff like that.
Here we go:

My two favorite names of the moment are Isla and Calum! I have always loved these names and they always among my top names even if they are not my absolute favorites.

Recently Alexandra has been climbing quickly up my list and is now my second favorite girls' name. I like this name for a lot of reasons, I love that it is so long and feminine sounding, I really like the nicknames Alex and Lexi and it is a feminine form of my dad's name which gives it a nice family connection. Aswell as likeing the name Alexandra I have been recently loving Isla and Alexandra as a sibset.

The names Maya and Kaya have been appealing to me a lot recently and are climbing quickly up my list. I think both names are very beautiful and exotic. I also like Kaya spelled Kaija but I feel that the Kaya spelling would be easier for most people.

Annabeth is climbing back up my list aswell, I'd gone off it a bit for a while but I'm really starting to love it again.

On the other hand, I am starting to reconsider Anna, Angela, Lauren and Rosalyn - I think they might be coming off my list soon.

I have recently taken Ailish, Emilia, Julia, Lianna, Aine, Daniela, Emmeline, Florentina and Isolda off my list and added Nova, Susanna, Lìle and Amber.

I've been thinking mostly about girls' names recently so their aren't many boys' names in this blog. One boys' name that I have been thinking about a lot recently is Liam - Liam has always been one of my favorites but I am recently starting to love it even more. I think Liam as nickname for William is really cool aswell but I do prefer it on it's own.

Another name related thing that has recently made me happy was when I found out the meaning of the name Irma. I plan on using Irma as a middle name for my first daughter in honour of my wonderful god-mother who died when I was 14. I decided to look up the meaning of Irma to see if any of my favorite combos had good combined meanings. Anyway, I found out that Irma is an ancient Germanic name that means universal, in fact it has the same meaning and origin as my middle name Emma. This connection between her name and mine made me very happy!

Anyway that's all for now! Let me know what you think of this new style blog and feel free to let me kow what you think of any of the names I've mentioned.

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